New Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy Programs Rollout
Auto Refill for Maintenance Drugs and Online Shipping Confirmation for Specialty Drugs
Customers now have access to some new services, designed to make their customer experience even better. With Cigna Home Delivery PharmacySM Automatic Refill service, launched in October 2018, customers can automatically refill prescription medications that they take regularly. What’s more, customers who use Cigna Specialty Pharmacy to fill prescriptions for specialty medications can now choose to confirm their shipping and delivery information online. This service launched July 27, 2018.
Our New Pharmacy Services are Fast and Convenient
Customers eligible for our auto-refill service will have choices, including whether or not they want to enroll and how they choose to enroll. They can opt to enroll to receive some prescriptions and not others – it’s their choice. Enrollment is available online at, on the myCigna® App or by phone. It’s free – and easy to get started. It’s even easier for individuals to stay on track with medication they take regularly.
Enrolled customers get their next refill(s) in the mail automatically. They won’t need to call in for a refill. They can save time and can rest easy knowing they’ll have the medication they need on hand. We’ll alert the customer 14 days before we refill or renew the prescription, so they can choose to cancel if they’d like.
The auto-refill service is not offered for specialty medications. However, customers who require specialty medications have a new convenient method to confirm shipping and delivery details online at We inform eligible customers of this service via email, when an email is available. The email notification directs the customer to myCigna to perform the delivery set up. Or, he or she can always choose to call and set up their delivery by phone instead. In any case, we’ll send a confirmation email after a customer sets up their online request.